Friday, October 9, 2015

Another Stab at the Constitution


“ I am not naïve enough to believe that doing away with the Second Amendment would do away with gun violence, but I know firsthand the impact of guns and gun shots on children. This nation was constructed and reconstructed in the aftermath of violent and bloody conflicts. Still, the Framers believed that not only the Constitution, but also the peaceful way the document was created, would penetrate the Americans' minds and change they engaged. The Constitution would be the only weapon needed unless there was an external enemy.”- Melynda Price 
             The quote above from a New York Times article by Melynda Price is speaking on the right to bear arms, the second amendment in the Constitution. Price states that she doesn’t support the second amendment giving citizens the right to bear arms. She makes it clear that she is aware that removing the second amendment will not stop gun violence. She believes the constitution was a document created to change how Americans engage with each other. Price thinks that if we were to do away with or ratify the second amendment that the document would be all Americans need as a weapon regarding domestic issues in the country. 
      I chose this quote from the article because I do think there should be changes to the second amendment regarding the right to bear arms. With recent school shootings and gun violence in communities, revising the second amendment could put an end to some of these senseless shootings in America. The government needs to enforce thorough policies and procedures when trying to obtain legal rights to carry and posses a fire arm. I do not think that removing the second amendment will not stop gun violence but it could put a stop to many of the mass shootings, gun violence and the illegal possession of fire arms. 

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